Bach Capital Blog
The BCM Bond and the Creation of a Liquidity Event
Bond Overview Bonds have a long history in the Financial Landscape, primarily thought of as a relatively sleepy type of investment it caught fire in the 1980s through the advent of “Junk Bonds” driving the use of Leveraged Buy Outs to an extreme never witnessed...
How the Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank Demonstrates the Value of Bach Capital Management
Silicon Valley Bank became the second-largest bank to fail in U.S. history this past week, trailing only Washington Mutual in 2008. Silicon Valley Bank was one of the main banks used by start-up technology companies. It gained that reputation over decades and, as the...
Using Treasury Management For Movie and Entertainment Financing
Traditional Movie Funding Strategies Do Not Work Financial experts describing the state of the Financial Markets always use the phrase “Investor Confidence”. No one ever uses the phrase “Borrower Confidence”. This simple truth represents the key to understanding how...