How Many Baskets Should You Put Your Eggs In?

How Many Baskets Should You Put Your Eggs In?

How diversified should you make your investment portfolio? How many baskets should you use? Although there is no one answer to that question, there are lots of opinions. There is a saying that “concentration builds wealth and diversification preserves it” but it’s more complicated than that. It’s more a question of psychology, circumstance, and risk tolerance than math.

Some of the greatest investment success stories of all time, such as Sam Walton through Wal-Mart or Warren Buffett through Berkshire Hathaway were built through concentration in a single business. However, in those circumstances diversification also was present. Wal-Mart continually diversified geographically, and Berkshire Hathaway continually diversified into new business lines. Regardless, holding one stock, or a handful of stocks, and the volatility that goes with it isn’t for everyone. As Warren Buffett wisely stated:

“If you are a professional and have confidence, then I would advocate lots of concentration. For everyone else, if it’s not your game, participate in total diversification.”

What do we recommend? It’s personal and by that we mean that it should be personal to each and every investor to think about and decide his or her own comfort level. If you don’t mind volatility in pursuit of higher returns, you may want to concentrate. If you think that concentration would make you stay awake at night, you may want to pursue more diversification. Regardless of your decision, we believe that you should consider the UPPLIFT™ Investment Strategy (“UPPLIFT™”) for your portfolio.

UPPLIFT™ is our proprietary, transparent and proven uncorrelated investment strategy and it is the ideal investment opportunity for Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Family Offices, High and Ultra High Net Worth Individuals. UPPLIFT™ stands for Uncorrelated Principal-Protected Life Insurance For Tomorrow. It provides above market annual cash-on-cash dividends, tax-deferred yields and principal protection. UPPLIFT™ uses three (3) components: Life Insurance/Annuities, Treasury Management and Precious Metals. UPPLIFT™ can be structured to generate high yields for investors in the form of cash dividends, tax-deferred yields and principal protection while at the same time providing risk mitigation/management strategies. With its low minimum investment of $50,000 and with no lock-up period, the benefits of the UPPLIFT™ Investment Strategy when coupled with principal protection makes the UPPLIFT™ Investment Strategy unparalleled in today’s financial marketplace.

Please feel free to review our website at and contact us at [email protected] or call us at (914) 523-2318 to explore your specific investment needs and goals and how you can be better positioned to take advantage of all the financial opportunities that 2021 will bring.