You Can Not Predict, You Can Only Prepare and Protect

You Can Not Predict, You Can Only Prepare and Protect

Inflation, Deflation? Who knows? As the great financial analyst and prophet of our time, Yogi Berra said: “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future”. We are living in a financial world where actions are being tried, experimented, imagined, dreamed up and invented by the Central Bankers and politicians of the world that have never been tried before. You can pick a side and a position if you would like and act accordingly. You could also do your best to prepare for the world of the unknown, the unpredictable, and the never been seen before. Regardless of your position, one thing is clear to us at Bach Capital Management and that is inflation is a risk. Whether or not it is the mostly likely path or when its going to be impacting the financial markets, we make no prediction. But it is worth thinking about whether or not your portfolio is prepared for it.

So, while there is no way to know with any certainly or probability, if the actions of today will lead to inflation tomorrow, the best time to think about how you are prepared for that future is now. It may not happen but if you wait until it is obvious, it will be too late. We believe a prudent response would be to consider the UPPLIFT™ Investment Strategy, our proprietary, transparent, and proven methodology for your portfolio. UPPLIFT™ stands for Uncorrelated Principal-Protected Life Insurance For Tomorrow. It provides above market annual cash-on-cash dividends, tax-deferred yields and principal protection. UPPLIFT™ uses three (3) components: Life Insurance/Annuities, Treasury Management and Precious Metals. UPPLIFT™ can be structured to generate high yields for investors in the form of cash dividends, tax-deferred yields and principal protection while at the same time providing risk mitigation/management strategies. The benefits of the UPPLIFT™ Investment Strategy when coupled with principal protection makes the UPPLIFT™ Investment Strategy unparalleled in today’s financial marketplace.

With regard to the Life Insurance/Annuities used in the UPPLIFT™ Investment Strategy, BCM uses A-Rated Key Man Universal Life Insurance Policies as reflected in S&P and Best Ratings as well as Guaranteed Index Annuities Contracts from top-rated Annuity Companies. The yields resulting from the Life Insurance/Annuities component of the overall UPPLIFT™ Investment Strategy are totally uncorrelated to the S&P 500 benchmark.

As part of the UPPLIFT™ Investment Strategy BCM employs a Treasury Management Strategy that is a long-only portfolio consisting of up to fifty (50) equities with a S&P Quarterly Option Index and weekly/monthly Equities Option Strategy coupled with an S&P Commodity Futures Strategy for hedging purposes. The investment objective for BCM’s Treasury Management Strategy as part of the UPPLIFT™ is to produce cash dividends, tax-deferred gains through long term capital appreciation with low correlation to the S&P 500 Index along with principal protection.

Finally, the UPPLIFT™ Precious Metals Strategy consists of a long-only portfolio of precious metals equities as well as holding precious metals. The investment objective for BCM’s Precious Metals Strategy is long-term capital appreciation with low correlation to the S&P 500 Index along with protection from inflation and recessions. The level of investment in each of these components are in the sole discretion of management.

For more information regarding the UPPLIFT™ and how it can help you achieve your financial goals, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or (914) 523-2318.